Call Us Today: (510) 316-0939
Helping You Create Loving Realities
Our mission is to participate in the healing of the planet -individually and as a group. By building a conscious community, we can support each other in this time of transformation and see through our dreams to reality.
We believe that each one of us is such a magnificent and powerful being that by transforming our own blocks and negativity into self love and compassion, we can then have a ripple effect and begin to shift energies on a global level. Our greatest gift to the planet is to become whole in ourselves.
We offer simple everyday tools to restore a state of balance so we can stay at a high vibration and manifest our highest potential. In Loving service, we invite you to reclaim your birthright and enter into your natural state of love, peace and harmony. So we begin.
Medical Intuitive is an alternative medicine practitioner who uses their intuition to attempt to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition. Giving you valuable information about what may or may not be going on, but seeking medical attention is always advise.
Beverly offers a wide range of modalities to help release old debilitating patterns. Each session can be done either in person, over the phone or remotely. Space clearings are also available. All sessions are customized for that person and/or group. Customized group parties or session are available for six or more people.